Roger Snewin

I should have recorded the passing of Roger Snewin who was a fine organist with a sardonic humour. His funeral was on the day of the wedding and we did not know about it until after the event. I am told the church was packed and the music was splendid. Roger was on the RSCM Southwark committee for many years and had many musical interests. He sang at St Margaret's, Lee and in the Eltham Choral society. He had been a head teacher and had an excellent boys choir. I recall visiting Our Lady of Lourdes, Lee where he played for many years and he demonstrated his simplified version of the Widor Toccata. He played the trumpet at Addiscombe Corpus Christi processions with Richard Reilly. The angels will be smiling at his jokes! On one occasion he played "Feed the birds" during communion! He was only 70 and had cancer of the lung which spread to his spine which for such an active man must have been a great trial but he bore it all with humour and patience. May he rest in peace.
This has been a year for missing funerals which makes me sad. But our friends are not forgotten.


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