Teresa Munro's first Eucharist

Saturday at 6 p.m. and the feast of St Michael and all Angels marked by Teresa Munro celebrating her first Eucharist. Her sister joined us in the choir to sing alto and her sons were the impressive readers at the service. We began with "For all the saints" and the Peter Jones Gloria. The setting was the yellow card one so everyone could join in and the singing was splendid. We have a gospel to proclaim, Angel voices ever singing and Thine be the glory were the other splendid hymns. Christine Spurway preached. At communion the choir sang "Christ has no body now but yours" by David Ogden and "Strengthen for service Lord the hands" both at Teresa's request. I played the Dorian fugue. An excellent meal of chicken in sauce ("ordination chicken") and salads with wine and strawberry cream cake. I just missed the train so got buses home. Liz was at the cathedral where the choir of St Michael's school, Finchley sang and she took Dennis's medical books to Carol's niece.Delighted to see Martin and Vee Leang after the service. Vee taught with Teresa. Their daughter Christine is much grown and Vee's mum was also there. They used to sing at Addiscombe in the choir.


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