Diaconal ordination

Steak for birthday lunch and crumble! To Croydon Parish church for 4pm ordination of 4 deacons including Linda Williams from St Andrew's. Good turnout of Coulsdon parishioners (I sat next to Vickie) and St Matthew's folk too. Martin Goodlad was there too. 4 good hymns to sing but no Veni Creator! Bishop Nick on good form. Holdup after offertory hymn and we could have sung another communion hymn. Penny Brown preached well. To Grandma's to move broken fridge into garage - new one coming tomorrow. Bruce rang and missed me so sent a face book wall message. Dennis rang from Dublin. Off to watch Antiques roadshow and Michael Palin - hope to stay awake!


Peter Simpson said…
Because there is no anointing at a diaconal ordination, it is not usual to sing the Veni Creator. It should just be used at priestly and episcopal ordinations.
So now we know! At least we sang "Come down, O love divine"!

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