The sea

To Mass. Dr Ojo removed last 2 stitches - I can swim again! Lovely concert by Follia at St Mary at Hill. Lovely to see Yat-Soon Yeo and the girls. Part of the Bach St Anne's festival. Did 2 sketches. To National Portrait Gallery. Lovely exhibition The encounter at NPG but too busy to sketch. BP award very busy but some good works. Excellent preprom talk on the sea in Greek and Atlantic worlds. Brian Cunliffe on good form. Korngold, I don't believe it. A second choral work where words could not be heard at all. Sirens by Hillborg might as well have been in Ancient Greek. Some walked out. Some effective writing. Scherazade ruined by family 3 boys running about. Who made this a family Prom? Unsuitable. Attention spans are short these days and the Rimsky has many quiet passages. No steward in gallery. Complained. Watched end of gay history programme and bits of Sargent prom. 


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