
John Webber played Elgar at St John Goose Green.  I was late as the sign at Peckham Rye is pointing the wrong way. Richard Pilliner there and met Peter Shore pupil of Marilyn's. I have been playing the Vesper voluntaries too fast. An enjoyable Beckenham President's lunch at 11 Village Way - Sandy and John O'Sullivan on good form. he choir of St David's cathedral Cardiff sang Neville, Gibbons and Bainton beautifully at Mass. A long gospel meant I was late at RAH but I could not get in as gallery and arena were full. At least Liz heard it. John now on way home via Kent House. The weekend prom passes and BBC policies mean that this may well happen again. It is not an encouragement to spend £240 on a season if you are not guaranteed entry. Heard a lot of Elgar 1 on radio 3. 


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