
We sang Prayer of St Richard of Chichester by L.J.White. I have sung this since I was a boy 63 years ago. It is a classic. I played Thema met vairaties 1947 by Hendrik Andriessen. First in a series of pieces inspired by Luther's reformation and he can represent Holland. Stanley trumpet tune. Ghastly hymn to a Swiss waltz. Got plants and wine from fete raffle. Not sure that Revd Donna Lazenby did her book Divine Sparks justice at St Paul's cathedral. She does have a prophetic vision of the church giving to the community. Why did the chair insist on questions? Comments are also valuable! Interesting that giving away tea and coffee on a cold train platform got people talking. Church is so often about taking! listening to the historic broadcast of evensong from St Peter's Rome by Merton College chapel choir. Pity the sopranos are not united in tone and one sticks out. Good to hear Wood and Bairstow.


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