
Suggestions from the interfaith group about Laudato Si'. Do not drive to church use public transport. Recycle. The cathedral uses one leaflet per weekend for Masses and recycles those left over. Change basic attitudes to creation through education. Preach about it!! Took Liz to East Croydon and Lourdes via Toulouse for a week. To Mass. Worked on scores and quiet day. To Thornton Heath library to see my pictures on display. To the hall. Went to Sackler gallery. Black American photos. You have to queue for Grayson Perry at the Serpentine gallery described as the most popular art exhibition ever so will go another day. What about the Hockney? Rather off putting advert. Fidelio prom and talk excellent especially Stuart Skelton and the Spanish chorus. The ladies resplendent in white satin! Orfeon Donostiarra which city? Home in heavy rain and late.


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