
Excellent morning at RFH as part of St Alban's organ festival. Saw Matthew Martin. Attractive work by him for trumpet and organ. Lovely Angelus by Vierne. Rheinberger violin and organ. Cochereau Bolero organ and side drum played by Marko Sever. Well done all especially Joseph Beech and James Orford.
People power at Imperial War museum excellent.  Sent letter to The Tablet as Rick Jones did not know what Levit's encore was so told him to check BBC proms website. Critics! An excellent appeal for Aid to the Church in need at the cathedral Mass. Presented Joseph with his 18th birthday card and present. Listening to prom on way home. Reckoned I would be late at the hall and not get in for the Strauss Actually the Beethoven 3 chat was first. Skype to Liz in Lourdes. Listened to prom from Hull.


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