Doris and Ciarán

Spoke to Ann. To clergy house for first Lent group meeting only to find room 2 was not booked in my name and Mary Maxwell who should know better had taken over the room! I was most annoyed and said so! Any way Joan and I met in room 1 and had a great chat. Bus 170 to Albert Bridge and visited Doris Clements in her new flat which is nice. Had my lunch and carrot cake, fruit and tea. She looks more drawn but pleased to see me and had a good chat. Walked around the area and found Catholic church of Holy Redeemer but not Carlyle's house! 49 bus underground to Turnham Green and 272 bus to Acton. Ciarán's winning smiles and expressions a delight! To chorus MacMillan rehearsal. Shocked to hear Francis Herbert was thrown out by Stefan after 40 years in the chorus. Liz had been at King's with Grandma and went up to stay the night at Glyn Close. A cause of concern - seems doctor prescribed wrong medicine.


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