
Dennis came last night and visited Grandma who moved wards. To St Cyprian's for 2 rehearsals with Nick - it is starting to go in. At lunch time I went for a walk in Regent's Park and found a lovely garden with a stature, crocuses, snowdrops and pansies. Cappuccino at Pavilion cafe next to tennis courts. On bus with Andrew and bought meal for 2 in M and S. Canon Christopher at vespers and Mass. The Byron choir from Harrow school was excellent - Byrd, Shephard. Newsletter does give Lent group on Wednesday but nothing about quiet day! Picked up Dennis at King's and I prepared dinner - trout, Mediterranean vegetables and profiteroles with Ke wine from Chile. After dinner played the piano for once - Clair de lune, Faure, Nimrod, Dichterliebe.


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