St Paul's and Mahler 2

To Purcell room for hour with Stefan then there was an hour when we sang nothing and finally got away at 1 p.m. To M & S at Clapham Junction to get black shirt as Brice must have taken his back! Reminiscence group - 6 all very vocal about childhood some in extreme poverty in Battersea. Saw RA. To St Paul's cathedral and first to play. Simon Johnson changed stops and I played Murrill's Postlude on a ground as I did at Westminster Abbey. Big thrill to have the tuba at the end! Simon saw Adrian and myself out. I hailed a taxi to the Artists entrance Royal Festival Hall and was early as a result. Concert went very well although I think the pros were still too loud. Train home and liz picked me up after coming back frm confirmation class. She was upset at Stefan's result which was poorer than Edward's and saying she must have lessons.


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