Flood and Diana

Another flood at work this morning. I reported last week that there was a small lake on the roof. Nobody came to clear the gullies of leaves and debris so the water must have seeped through and soaked 2 ceiling tiles, one of which fell apart. I got on the roof and as on this day I was wearing shoes and not sandals waded to the gully and cleared it so that the water ran away with a satisfying gurgle! The study room is still unusable. It seems that schools in Wandsworth got priority even though they are closed! To tai chi and there were 11 there! Watched the prom on BBC4 but fell asleep during Esa Pekka Salonen's piano concerto which seemed to just be very fast notes rushing about and going nowhere! The Berlioz Romeo and Juliet was much more enjoyable. Then watched Channel 5's programme on Diana the last days which I thought sensitive and interesting and matched the book I just read. The film "The Queen" brought home the tragedy for all of us of her death 10 years ago. She was the most stunning beauty - we saw her at a Festival hall concert.


You know, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in trying to survive the flooding. Nevertheless, British rain is a welcome respite from Californian heat.
The floods at work are minor compared to what has been happening up North and in Gloucestershire. We are paying the price of global warming.

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