Sunday- York Minster comes to Westminster

Psalm 77 - very suitable - much about thunder and lightning - our weather has remained damp and stormy - typical Wimbledon fortnight! We are told summer will be on one day 11 July. Did it rain on St Swithin's day? I had a busy time as I had to play and sing tenor. The setting was Noble in A which quotes the bells in Parsifal and David Ogden's "Christ has no body now but yours" was the communion anthem. We began with Angel voices ever singing for Karen's birthday - another favourite of mine. "Craftsman's art and music's measure for Thy pleasure all combine".
I played the Widor Toccata (one bad page turn)and several people remarked it especially the Denleys who had just had their wedding anniversary and requested it last year. I went to see Grandma in hospital and she was quite chirpy. Liz came home to make lunch and went with Louise to see her. I served at Vespers at the cathedral. Stunning Bairstow "Blessed city" and brilliant improvisations after the psalms. An echo of Parry's "I was glad" after that psalm! We sang the wonderful solemn Salve Regina and processed out to Vierne's Carillon de Westminster wiht the boys humming the chimes as we reached the sacristy!
Excellent Reger and Durufle recital by Philip Schmidt-Madsen from Copenhagen then to the Abbey for Elgar played by Ashley Grote. In the queue waiting to get in (typical of the Abbey) met a couple of Sydney ladies who knew Peter Kneeshaw. Sonata No. 2, 3 Vesper voluntaries, Cantique and Pomp and Circumstance No. 1 which had us all swaying along!
Most enjoyable - makes one proud to be British!


Edward said…
Thanks for the reminder of the lovely Ogden piece. Must do it again soon.

The Widor Toccata! How lavish for Ordinary Time!!!

The vespers at the cathedral must be magnificent. I think there's only one church here that does "full dress" vespers occasionally; it's always a wonderful service.
Yes David's piece is very fine - almost like Bach! Have sung it under his direction too! The Widor wsa a choice to celebrate wedding anniversary of the Denleys - people do love it! Vespers are magnificent!
Edbowie said…
Agree-marvellous vespers.The impros were extraordinary. MB does chaos with conviction. I also liked the meditation on themes from Parry's I was Glad. At first I thought that the solemn SR was dull compared to the simple but I am warming to it. The Reger recitals are more of a challenge. Never been a fan and nothing I have heard in the series so far has changed my mind. Robert Quinney nearly did- a rare talent.

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