Deacon Peter

Congratulations to deacon Peter Simpson on the 10th anniversary of his ordination. See Chapel of the resurrection for some fine thoughts and photos! I served at Mass this evening and Mgr Mark congratulated Peter. He preached a fine homily on the sacrifice of Abraham. When I was waiting for the bus to go to chorus, a lady said "Is he going to become a priest?" Why can't people accept deacons as permanently in that state?
I was late for chorus - Beethoven 9 again from memory for the first night of the Proms on the 13th. The men are to be in black shirts again, no ties and jackets - I hate that! Robert finished early. Liz did not come as Mum wasn't feeling good.
This morning I only swam 18 lengths as had to be at St Mark's centre, Battersea for 8am breakfast meeting where we saw presentations about plans for Clapham Junction and the traffic around it. Very interesting and at last there will be disabled access to the station!
You'd rather be in pink? :-)
Back to open neck shirts. This seems to be BBC house style. I went to the free city of London festival BBC Singers concert last night and the blokes werer all in black open necked shirts. A well sung programme but a bit indigestible. I thought that Dupre Four motets came off best. As for the Hakim, lets hope that Durufle or Bairstow were not listening !! Nevertheless a good choir. A large glass of Shiraz and the evening would have been complete.
It was a very happy day for me - and I was pleased to have such a talented team of altar servers!
I was exhausted yesterday, so did not post on my blog. However, a photo of the occassion has gone on today!