Rain, concert band and Palestrina choir of Dublin

The carpet in the studyroom at work is beginning to smell and there is evidence of water haviong seeped through the brick walls into the corridor and adult library. The tap in the kitchen would not turn off so I called a plumber ansd switched off the stopcock putting the loos out of order for an hour. The reading group was great fun with lively discussion about "A Chinese-English dictionary for lovers". Most people liked the book. At lunchtime to Battersea Park bandstand to hear the South London concert band play songs from the shows in the rain! At Mass tonight Philip, George and Brian got their server's medals at last. The Palestrina choir of St Mary's pro-cathedral Dublin sang superbly. Flor Peeters Missa Josephi and Mawby's Ave verum. On the way home we listened to the Prom - Faure Requiem and Cantique de Jean Racine. I saw Fr Seed after Mass and complimented him on his extraordinary autobiography "Nobody's child". At last I am getting to the happier part of his life.
Fr Mark gave a great homily on Martha and Mary and how busy people fidn it hard to pray. Distractions and Cardinal Hume's prayer of the eyes can help. The distractions become the object of prayer.


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