Maundy Thursday

Liz was at the 6 p.m. Mass at the cathedral and she broke up from school. I worked until 4.30 p.m. and got the train to Smitham so as to rehearse for an hour. We sang Darke in F and Byrd's Ave verum which went very well. During the stripping of the altar we sang Psalm 22 to plainchant and started the watch with Taize "Stay with me".
I played part of Bairstow's Toccata-prelude on "Pange lingua" before the service. This is a tricky piece to bring off with many stop changes and in the event, there wasn't time to play it all. Hymns included "Soul of my Saviour", "An upper room" and Pange lingua (in English). Caroline drove me to the station where I missed the trian by seconds as it left early so I got buses home. Maybe I should have stayed at the altar of repose after all! I was home by 10.30 p.m.


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