St Peter's Wolverhampton choir return

At lunch time today went as I often do to enjoy Battersea Park. Today the RSPB were again mounting a chance to observe herons through powerful binoculars and telesopes. Also saw great crested grebe on their nest - never knew they were in the park! I asked about the family of cygnets from last year and it is likely they flew away. Swans mate for life and I am reminded all the time that Liz is in Ireland with Dennis. How I miss her!
St Peter's choir made a welcome return at Mass and sang Byrd 5 part setting and anthems by Wood and Durufle. They have a very large choir including boys and girls and Fr Tim made them very welcome. Philip and I served so we did not have incense. Listened to Giulio Cesare from the Met on Radio 3.


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