Holy Week

And so the greatest week of the year begins! We spent Saturday rehearsing for the Holy Week ceremonies at the cathedral. We began with an excellent talk by Father Slawomir aimed at the youngsters about the Triduum liturgy. After a shared lunch, Deacon Peter gave a fine talk about our role aimed more at the adults. See Peter Simpson's excellent blog http://revprs.blogspot.com for some fine stations of the Cross.
There was quite a lot of waiting around and I felt that the day started too early and was too long for some people. Also there was a missed opportunity to go through some general aspects of our serving like processing, acting together on stands and sits, and clarification of some aspects. An obvious point is where to sit on the sanctuary. I find it much better to sit in the stalls as I can hear there and I am not on top of the heating ducts which can be like a sauna at times!
The 6 p.m. Palm Sunday Mass is shown on the cathedral blog. See http://westminstercathedral.blogspot.com. I am carrying the cross which always makes me feel unworthy and small and Liz is the thurifer in the photos!The celebrant was Bishop John Arnold and the palms are beautifully arranged. The processional cross was bedecked with palms and red ribbons! The outside photo shows the Sunday morning procession with Liz serving and the splendid choir.
The Procession at Coulsdon on Sunday morning was a much smaller affair but it went well despite a hiatus as some of the older members did not feel up to joining in and John's flute was unavailable. Ouseley's "Is it nothing to you" at communion and "When I survey" with its beautiful harmonies went well and we sang Bairstow's fine unison communion setting. best of all we sang "My song is love unknown". After the service rehearsed for the St Luke Passion with the soloists and there was just time to practise some Bairstow before going to meet Liz at East Croydon station and having lunch. The afternoon was spent rehearsing for the 6.30 p.m. performance of the Bach St John Passion at St John's, Upper Norwood conducted by Adrian Adams with excellent soloists. The choir was good and the few tenors managed well. Delighted to see Janet Marshall, the mayor of Croydon, at the reception afterwards and she is keen to support interfaith work.
Monday to Catenian Norwood circle AGM and meeting - 14 brothers present. Philip is President again and I am soon to be Provincial Councillor.


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