
Two nights where I have slept for 6 hours which is great! I returned from Chorus rehearsals and went straight to bed as I was knackered! Wednesday we did Verdi Te Deum and Carmina Burana (fun but rubbish music!) with Stefan Bevier from Berlin. Thursday Robert Dean worked on Dream of Gerontius. Interesting idea to get us to bow forward on high notes and loosen the body instead of tightening the diaphragm.
Last night to choir practice and Vicky poppped in to say no evensong in May. There was a discussion again about the Sanctus and its length in relation to the Eucharistic prayer. The BCP settings must have Amen changed to "most high". There seems to be little liturgical understanding. The Amen should only come at the end of the prayer. Am enjoying Natasha Cooper's "A greater evil" - she is a friend (Daphne Wright) and her novels are excellent.Graeme has interesting blog on thin spaces. I know so many! Padrerob comments kindly about my blog. Yesterday was Graeme and Dom's probably last trip on my train in the morning as Dom is changing office. Graeme brought chocolate muffins for everyone! His stage name is Graeme Alexander so I looked him up on Google but no pictures on the site! They are getting married next March and I will miss our chats. I swam 40 lengths yesterday!! Finalising May 12th Cambridge trip.


Padre Rob+ said…
How busy you are! I am exhuasted just from reading it. :)

Do you have a link for your friend Graeme's blog on thin places? It sounds interesting. I'd like to read it.
You're right of course - far too busy. Graeme is on My space and I haven't found a way to link to him yet!

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