Friday in Wurzburg

Wurzburg library!
To Rontgen's laboratory where he discovered X-rays. To St Gertrud's church - Gothic and rebuilt. To sewing shop where we bought little carol singers group. Spaghetti ice and chocolate in bistro then we split up. I visited the chapel at Burgerspital with a fine courtyard. To St Johannis the protestant church where someone was practising Franck on the organ! Sat in the lovely baroque garden of the Residenz in the sunshine and read Tablet. To shop next to the cathedral and bought postcards of art works. To Franciscan church and past the university church to St Stephen's where confirmation class was in progress. This too has a fine organ and a lovely crypt which was not burnt out. To St Peter's church Baroque and Carmelite church which had a pink organ case and horrid fresco behind the High altar. Nice statue of Terese of Lisiuex. Saw a man practising tightrope in the park - he fell off. Helga de Wall was at the flat and we had tea. We are taking Ann and Paul out to dinner at the oldest winehouse 1897 Weinhaus Staubel. The meal proved to be excellent - Ann had trout, Liz special chicken, Paul goat (!) and I had pork followed by apple strudel and cream and hot chocolate.


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