Children's librarian and training

Swam 22 lengths and got early train as the library learning centre is in use for 2 days. Lots of colleagues from other branches came for the training on the website ourreadingfutures which is excellent and I was on the course in the afternoon. Nice to see Margaret Merrall. To Croydon Parish church for 9 p.m. Chemin de la Croix French poetry with fine improvisations by Andrew Cantrill. I liked the ending on Noel nouvelet. It was rather cold - no boiler at work so relying on fan heaters and the church was not very warm. A rare sighting of a lady I take to be Mrs Boswell with Colin.


June Butler said…
John, did I ever tell you that I am a retired librarian? It was more fun when the work was more about books instead of computers, but I've taken to the computer to the point that my husband says I'm addicted. He may be right.
Well I reckon my wife is very keen on the internet! Actually I do quite a lot of book work as well as the computer stuff! we have a generous bookfund in the borough of Wandsworth and lots of lovely new books.

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