Mother's Day and March music list

Here is the St Andrew’s Coulsdon
March 2008 Music list included so you can read the text of today's new anthem by David Ogden based on St Anselm
The gospel acclamations for Eastertide are from Music for the Parish Communion by Martin How. The Alleluias in the Easter season will be the Celtic Alleluia by Fintan O’Carroll
Mar 2nd Fourth Sunday of Lent Mothering Sunday Parade service
We are called to reconciliation with God
Organ: Meditation on Arcadelt’s “Ave Maria” Franz Liszt
222(i); Psalm 34 v 11-20 (Ouseley); 376; CP 238 (tune 188); 39
As a mother cradles her child David Ogden
Ave Maria Jakob Arcadelt
Organ: Fantasia in C minor Johann Sebastian Bach
March 9th Fifth Sunday of Lent We are called to find new life in Christ
Organ: Prelude “O man thy grievous sin bemoan” Johann Sebastian Bach
Kyries and acclamations from Mass in the Phrygian mode Charles Wood
97; Ps 130 (Purcell) CP 103 (tune 149); 99 (ii); 95
God so loved the world John Stainer
Organ: Prelude on “Rockingham” Hubert Parry
March 9th 5 p.m. Sung Compline plainchant
Organ: Prelude “Erbarm dich” Johann Sebastian Bach
Organ: Prelude “O sacred head” Johann Sebastian Bach
March 16th Palm Sunday Hosanna to the Son of David
Hosanna to the Son of David Willson
223; 78
Kyries Taize
96; 84; 89 (i)
Communion service in E flat Edward Bairstow
Is it nothing to you? Ouseley
Organ: “In tears of grief” from St Matthew Passion Johann Sebastian Bach
March 20th 8 p.m. Maundy Thursday Love one another
Organ: Toccata Prelude “Pange lingua” Edward Bairstow
Mass for four voices William Byrd
Hymns on leaflet 195; Psalm 116 v.1, 10-16 (Bennett); An upper room MHT 101; CW296 tune 80 Song 46;
To mock Thy reign MHT 184(ii); CW316 tune 92
Ave verum corpus William Byrd
Psalm 22 plainchant
Stay with me Taize
March 21st 8 p.m. The Crucifixion John Stainer
March 23rd Easter Day He is risen
Organ: Prelude on “Christ lag in todesbanden” Johann Sebastian Bach
Sing choirs of heaven (tune 39)
Gloria and acclamations from Missa brevis Sancti Johannis de Deo Joseph Haydn
103; 112;Celtic Alleluia; 108; 113
This joyful Eastertide Charles Wood
Organ: Saraband for the morning of Easter Herbert Howells
March 30th Second Sunday of Easter Peace be with you (no choir)
Organ: Prelude on “O Filii” Christopher Tambling
Gloria Peter Jones
Communion setting on yellow card Anon
111; 112; Celtic alleluia; 110; 114
Organ during communion: Prelude on “Christ lag in todesbanden” Johann Sebastian Bach
Organ: Hallelujah Chorus from “Messiah” George Frederick Handel
On March 9th we shall sing Compline to the traditional plainchant melodies. David Ogden composed a simple setting last year based on words of St Anselm which is appropriate for Mothering Sunday. The text is:
As a mother cradles her child, so you enfold us, gently in your arms. As a mother comforts their pain, you calm and quieten our souls with your love.
As a mother teaches her child, so, Lord, you guide us, leading us through life. As a mother listens and cares, O Lord, you hear us and answer our prayers.
As a mother cries for her child, so you are weeping over our sins. As a mother feeds us from our birth, you daily nourish us with the bread of life.
Jesus as a mother, you gather us all to you. In your compassion bring forgiveness and grace. In you tenderness restore and remake us, In your love, bring us joy, give us peace.

The sadness of Holy Week gives way to the rejoicing of Easter. Fittingly this is THE season to sing Alleluia “Praise the Lord!”
John Woodhouse Vickie Sims
Director of Music Priest-in-Charge

Singers are invited to join the choir in the devotion “The Crucifixion” by John Stainer on Good Friday at 8 p.m. The choir will rehearse at 6 p.m. The organist will be Barry Eaton. If you can, please come to the choir practices from 8 p.m. on Friday nights.

A prayer of St Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)

O Lord my God,
teach my heart this day where and how to see You,
where and how to find You.
Let me seek You in my desire,
let me desire You in my seeking.
Let me find You by loving You,
let me love You when I find you.


Peter Simpson said…
A great choice of music!

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