Tuesday of Holy Week Chrism Mass

I can just be seen behind the crucifer a first year at the seminary.
40 lengths and saw Andrew. I put in a comment about the fact that the pool is open right through the Easter weekend - do the staff get a break and do the Christian staff get it off. Also the shower in gents change room is stuck again wasting water and heat.
The Readingfutures training course and it was great to see old friends like Carol and Ruth. They loved my picture gallery in the staff room including me with Princess Anne! To the Chrism Mass for 12 noon. A most impressive procession and Liz and I sat together behind the priests as we were consecration torches. Saw Fr Allen, Fr Aidan, Fr Jim from Chiswick and Fr Richard. Fr Mark was there and the seminary students. Lots of Macmillan but did not much like the Gloria from the Westminster Mass. Hymns were "My song is love unknown" O godhead hid and The royal banners with one about the oils to "Eisenach". Hard to hear Cardinal's excellent sermon and a pigeon flew down during it! I got away early to be back at work by 1.45 p.m. Liz was at Good Friday rehearsal. Watched An island parish. Have invited Andrew Scott to the blog. Hope he can find the time to read it and keep up with the pace! Andrew Cantrill informs me that Colin Boswell is not married! Fell about laughing over Society of St Gregory forum.