Tuesday in Wurzburg

Cathedral organ console

Easter street decorations
Car on back of barge!
Barge in lock
On the bridge
Rathaus seen from main bridge.
Tram into town after a good breakfast of cheese, cold meats, rolls, orange juice and coffee. It had been snowing overnight. With Ann to the cathedral where we met the organist before the midday meditation so we saw the console and enjoyed his improvisation on "Victimae paschali".
Snowed very heavily while we were in the cathedral shop buying confirmation cards so to nearby cafe for cake and cappucino. To Museum am Dom where modern and old are placed together sometimes very effectively and an interesting exhibition by Jewish artist Jehuda Bacon. He survived the concentration camps and lives in Jerusalem. Interesting use of Masaccio's Adam. There was a particularly striking portrait of Judith a woman in a fox cape with the Crucifixion of a young man behind her. To the cathedral treasury - very fine chalices and copes including modern ones. To the lovely library with a baroque front and rather austere Marienkapelle. To Stift Haug church in Italian Baroque with Tintoretto Crucifixion. Lovely Peace chapel. Back to coffee and apple cake at Stiller and then to organ meditation at Augstinerkirche based on "O filii et filiae" including Liszt and Demessieux. Another fine Klais organ. To Ann's for meal and then back on tram to Rottenbauer.


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