Joan Price RIP

To St Peter's Ealing for the funeral of Joan Price alto in the chorus for many years.She was 85 and had chosen all the music herself. Stephen Rose played. We sang "He watching over Israel" and "Gaelic blessing". Hymns were "The king of love", "Angel voices ever singing" and "Love divine". We also went to the crematorium where we sang "Soul of my saviour". Stephen played "Cast thy burden". It was a lovely funeral and our singing was much appreciated. Stephen's wife Moira sang a simple song "In this very room". The organ is fine Bishop originally and then Walker and a splendid church with an excellent vicar Mark Powell. Good to see older members of the chorus there including Irene who I used to lunch with at the BBC. Jean Taylor too. Back to work and lots of emails! To Catenians. Liz went to hear Bishop John on reconciliation.


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