Good Friday Morning Prayer and Crucixion on Victoria Street

A day of deep emotions. To the cathedral for 10 a.m. Morning Prayer. The choir sang Victoria Lamentations as at Tenebrae last week and we knelt for the first part of Anerio "Christus factus est". We used to sing this at Addiscombe and this day always bring back painful and joyful memories especially during the Reproaches. A great joy to see Father Mark back and singing as well as ever. To Marks for a coffee with Francis and Deacon Peter whose blog on the Stations has been an inspiration in these last days of what has been by and large a good Lent. At least I stuck to no alcohol and read "The Imitation of Christ". The Lent group "Who is my neighbour?" took 5 weeks to really get to the point of welcoming migrants in church. "Understanding Islam" will have a long term effect I know. Bishop John Arnold spoke in his homily about the bewilderment and shame of the disciples on this day.
Got the bus to outside Methodist Central Hall where we joined the procession of witness. We sang "We sing the praise" and Canon Nicholas Sagovsky gave a meditation. We then walked in silence along Victoria Street to the cathedral. I was expecting to see some of the Lent group but instead saw John from the Islam course as always resplendent in 3 piece suit. Hannah was in the doorway when we arrived and I saw Mrs Yongue whose daughter asked about being a cantor at Mass.
We sang "My song is love unknown" heard more of Matthew's gospel and Revd Martin Turner of the Methodist Central Hall gave a very powerful address about the crowd shouting "Crucify". He mentioned the media attack on the McCanns and the appalling attacks on young people. I thought of Eugene and Maureen his mother. We sang "King of glory" and the Cardinal spoke movingly about innocent victims of our times mentioning his visit to Zimbabwe. Fr Christopher led prayers and Fr Michael Seed encouraged us to give to the Passage who provided the cross bearer. After singing "There is a green hill" we processed back to the Abbey where we heard more of the gospel and a powerful meditation by Andrew Graystone Director of the Churches' Media Council. He spoke about "The Passion" on BBC1. A gospel choir from Grey Coat school sang "Crucified and Not guilty" and we ended with the organ thundering forth "When I survey".
Bus back and a picnic in the car to be ready at 2.30. I had already been though mitre bearer with Nick.


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