Maundy Thursday

Swam 30 lengths and saw Humphrey and the kids on my train. Weather has turned cold again, In the afternoon 2 staff training sessions in the learning centre and we looked at Our reading futures website and different scenarios. Home to get keys (Liz had gone to the cathedral)and traffic was bad but I got to Coulsdon by 7 p.m. The service went really well and the choir sat in the transept creating an upper room feel. Vicky said all was well and she had spoken to the bishop at the Chrism Mass. We sang Byrd "Ave verum" - there were 12 in the congregation so no need for "To mock your reign" Psalm 116 to Goss chant, Psalm 22 to plainchant and Taize "Stay with me". The tricky bit was when the lights were turned off during the psalm! I did stay for a while - a beautiful altar of repose and I read Thomas a Kempis. To swimming pool to pick up swim stuff and home at 10 p.m. for dinner.


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