
Showing posts from August, 2024

Musical anniversaries

  Faure pavane and Cantique de Jean Racine at St John's Church, Caterham Valley today. Both will be included in my recital at 2 on Sept 18. Played Dad’s March from Bishopthorpe suite and Mum was remembered in the prayers. Baptism at the service. This made the service very long 1 hour and 20 minutes. Spoke to Susan. Child involved in sermon and sprinkling. Sermon should have been shorter and the use of a handheld mike does not help. Picked up Liz from SJ she helped with Diddy disciples. Lots of proms today super BBC singers concert from Bristol. Modern works.  An interesting Finnish first half to the Prom on BBC4 with Mrs Oramo singing. Liked the Sibelius - wonderful cellist. Needless to say Clive did not tell us her name! The sub titles are in Finnish which isn’t very helpful! The percussion appears to include a large blue beer mug? The Planets. Bank holiday Monday. Francesca Massey never disappoints. She played Andriessen, Bach trio sonata No 2 and Lindberg at Bromley parish chur


 Tuesday hot in the night so got up and did music planners. Interesting that Jaimee reverts to the same hymns as she chose them last year. Imogen was in touch.Swim and quiet time Gail, Nick and Paul came so had a good chat.   Stunning Prom BBCSO Martyn Brabbins Cockaigne, Holst Hammersmith, Christopher Maltman 4 Stanford songs (diction disappointing) The RVW London symphony - wonderful ppp. Lovely to meet David Bryant chorus memories! Wednesday Louise brought Sean so had a good chat and berought her up to speed. Gave in on LO he comes at All Saints and now no Gloria. All 3 of us went for a swim. To Sainsbury's. Sean "Grandad would you liek a Lego bonsai tree for your birthday?" AT £36 I'd rather have a real tree bought him a Lego set. He spent the afternoon chatting to friends. Watched rest of John Wilson prom Adagio for strings a beautiful ending. To Mass Eve of Assumption. Could not hear a word - speakers are set for singing and the loop is 30 years old. Fr Andrew s

Westminster Faith exchange

 Tuesday went for swim. To quiet time and rescued 2 bottles from fridge and found my music scores in the vestry plus one box of chocs from the boys. What happened to the other two? I read part of a letter from Nazareth about Taize and silence. Michelle wanted to look at our Jazz . This meant I was delayed and there were roadworks so missed train. Did not matter as when I got to 64 Victoria St which used to be Westminster City Hall it's all very swish and unlabelled! Cllr Bush chaired the meeting Rabbi Helen, Methodist Paul and Graham from Rochester Row. Decided to have candle lighting vigil in September which seems a bit late but the Leader is away! Graham recognised Nazareth cross and Cath was his curate. Home quite quickly. Clearing up in progress. Olympics.  Wednesday Timothy preached about the silence of Jesus at Blackfriars. Turns out Graham is wellknown to AnneMarie and Cath. Swim and nice chat to Roger the blind man and Sam who is getting married next year. Cleared up back r

Golden wedding

 Saturday the 3rd. Liz loved the card and scarf. at 8 am Alexander's delivered a gorgeous bouquet of red roses and carnations and the yellow rose buttonholes. I rang Rambling Rose and a lovely terracotta pot of yellow roses were delivered. We travelled by bus and train then tube to pick up the 360 to RAH and Dennis and family were on that bus. Of course we were early. The tea was actually at 2.30. While we waited I chatted to a couple from the Netherlands celebrating 40years of marriage. We also saw Hazel and Juliet our favourite steward. The tea was excellent with the children getting very nice things too. Had two glasses of champagne. Ann and Paul had recorded a video for Bruce so so we did a reply. When we left we were given boxes shaped like the Hall for our cakes. Family photos outside the hall Went over to the park. Bruce and Emma went back to the htel and Dnnis and co went home - Henry was very tired and so was Ann-Marie. We got the bus to Our Lady of Victories and I rehears