
Showing posts with the label ruby wedding

Ruby wedding

Up at 6.20 and to vigils and lauds. Gave Liz the special card with our photo and told her about the spa package and champagne tea at the Montcalm. She gave me a lovely card and a lovely ring. Breakfast together and Louise and Tom went picking your own. Mass at 11 a.m. was farewell to Tony Hemson the organist. Only knew one of the Laudate hymns but a good setting by Peter Jones. Blessing for us by Fr Nicholas in St Benedict's chapel and then to the Parish centre but the people even those who had been on pilgrimage with us were not at all friendly! Photos outside and then an excellent carvery lunch at Hedley Lodge.Lovely framed tribute from family and hanging from Carol. Family and Carol left after lunch and had a nice rest and listened to the War Horse prom on radio and after Vespers and Benediction with Dennis the Prom of Strauss and Elgar 2 on TV so missed Compline. Dennis to the station and had wine and sandwiches in the room. Monday a little late for vigils - could not hear bel

SSG and Marriage Mass

To St John's wood for 9 a.m. Mass said by Fr Allen for Fr Gerry Coates 60th anniversary of ordination. It was a lovely Mass in a beautiful church. I took the minutes for the Trustees of SSG and left in good time to get the bus to the cathedral. Liz was upset because we had been told we could serve but there would be nothing to do as no cathedral servers were involved. Well in fact Paul, Rebecca and Jess were there. The Mass itself was lovely and the Cardinal preached well. We went to the Rubens for a lovely champagne tea!