
Showing posts with the label Royal School of Church Music

Easter Monday

A glorious day and I spent some time in the garden cutting up the remains of branches of lilac which were cut down last year and hanging out the washing. Liz had somehow volunteered to operate the lift in the cathedral tower! About 60 people went up during the day to enjoy the views! I went to the RSCM 80th anniversary evensong at 5 p.m. at St Paul's cathedral. I was disappointed and I have written to the RSCM about it. There were insufficient copies of the hymn and no commemorative leaflet. I had never heard the Nicholson tune for the hymn before. The large choir was placed in the choir stalls with the result that the sound of the men was distant and muffled. Howells in G does not inspire. "I was glad" was grand and so was the Karg-Elert Nun Danket at the end (we had the latter at our wedding). There were 2 new anthems one by Professor John Harper but neither were announced. In the prayers the Royal Society (sic) of Church Music was mentioned but nothing was said about S