
Busy Sunday

 Woke early. R4 on BBC singers and morning service. Played Willan on St Peter, Moore Barcarolle and Toccata. LJWhite prayer of St Richard of Chichester went well. Chose hymns for Advent and agreed to use Christmas ones from last year. Drove to NJ overground and underground to North Harrow. 3 flights of stairs. Al Salaam centre is still a building site! Huge sports area and theatre and prayer hall above. It is for everyone. Presented a copy of Laudato Si' and mentioned petition to save Interfaith network for the UK. Chatted to several people. 30 there. Nice samosas. Got home quite tired. Liz had been to messy church. Young musician semi final - wrong 3 got through! Judges are rubbish!  Monday chat to ANN, rang GP as they had not rung back but Xray was on system so straight to Mayday and crown is in my stomach thank goodness. Wait another week. Swim. Liz went to pack medals. Cancelled aerobics and took notes at Colette's meeting. Powerpoint about Salford. Had trouble with sound o

Back home

 Wednesday to Glyn Close to collect the car and swim. Nice chat to Sam. It seems beofre Covid they had one man who went round the 5 centres each week to fix things. Now they have to bring in people each time! Our road looks great and disabled markings done. Drafted letter to bishop and environmental lead about Laudato Si' centre. Heythrop AGM and talk by Daniel Soars on the grammar of God. BBC Singers evensong with orchestra and centenary concert.  Thursday no swim as went to pick up Cathy to go to the funeral. She thought it was next week. Took Liz to Rose's. Got little cakes for my birthday. Art and very good progress. I only have one picture on paper the Cezanne for the library exhibition. Delivered letters about the multiple occupancy proposal at no 47 to Canham Road. No 20 knew about it but had done nothing. Joyce will send email. Badge posted to Karen Thompson. Notes from the encounter circulated. 22 at LSiUK which may be a record. We edited the notes in reply to 7 questi

Manchester and Salford

 Thursday confusion over time of train bus and tube but we were a few minutes late so paid more and got next one. From Piccadilly walked to get bus and arrived at Luther King House. It's clean and there's a lounge and trees and it's quiet and cheap. Large library. Congregational foundation. To Bridgewater Hall and ate at Society where you order your food on your phone. Very nice but noisy. Pre concert talk with Colin Matthews and Kahchun Wong the Halle's new conductor, Britten Prince of the pagodas suite and Mahler 1. Good seats at the side so we could see conductor. He is brilliant! We have a double bed against the wall so we swopped over.  Friday to the Whitworth gallery textiles and history of life drawing. Nice garden Coffee and scones in lovely cafe. The breakfast was large! To Manchester museum which has been refurbished. The exhibition Wild showed excellent work with kids and we visited the natural history galleries and vivarium. To St Ann's where Alex from G

A new week

 Monday chat to Ann. Dennis came. It seems Clare had to come to the bank in Bromley! Swim and aerobics. Liz went for blood test in Purley. Deacon Ray's father died last night so I am landed with showing The Letter tomorrow night! I have been sent some links and I downloaded it from You Tube. Liz bought hard drive and USB so saved photos. She went to UCM. Only connect, Mastermind, Univ challenge, Mozart's story. Enjoyed Dear Octopus with Lindsay Duncan very much.  Tuesday 17th SM, S and B - Fr Rock was dreadful about Nain and a toasted cheese sandwich! Swim. Liz did not go to Guys trains cancelled. Filling at dentist. Quiet time. To Beckenham Jonny and Rosemary set up teh film and I downloaded it as a backup. Home for dinner and we both went. 20 came and all went well. Polish priest had moved the equipment but it all worked. Not really enough time for discussion. 7.30 was too late to start I think.  Wed slept in B. So no swim but in fact I did my activity for the day. To Nationa


Autumnal feeling.  When I got to church I realised I had left my organ version of The heavens are telling at home. In the end I played from vocal scores. We sang The garden of the world lament. It was school blessing day. Jaimee managed to drop the communion wafers in front of the choir. We picked them up. I don't think we should have done as our hands were not sanistised. In fact Jaimee should have consumed them and consecrated more. Lack of training showing again! She said something at the notices about nice to see new families - it's not always as bonkers as this! I played One more step on the piano but was not given enough time to get to the organ for the Haydn. Julie said she had asked for the short prayer before the accamation to be reinstated. I pointed out that I needed to be told! Also there is a priest coming next Sunday but we have not been told! To St John's for a lovely lunch under the trees cooked by Fr John now sporting a grey beard! Scaffolding is up for the

Musical anniversaries

  Faure pavane and Cantique de Jean Racine at St John's Church, Caterham Valley today. Both will be included in my recital at 2 on Sept 18. Played Dad’s March from Bishopthorpe suite and Mum was remembered in the prayers. Baptism at the service. This made the service very long 1 hour and 20 minutes. Spoke to Susan. Child involved in sermon and sprinkling. Sermon should have been shorter and the use of a handheld mike does not help. Picked up Liz from SJ she helped with Diddy disciples. Lots of proms today super BBC singers concert from Bristol. Modern works.  An interesting Finnish first half to the Prom on BBC4 with Mrs Oramo singing. Liked the Sibelius - wonderful cellist. Needless to say Clive did not tell us her name! The sub titles are in Finnish which isn’t very helpful! The percussion appears to include a large blue beer mug? The Planets. Bank holiday Monday. Francesca Massey never disappoints. She played Andriessen, Bach trio sonata No 2 and Lindberg at Bromley parish chur


 Tuesday hot in the night so got up and did music planners. Interesting that Jaimee reverts to the same hymns as she chose them last year. Imogen was in touch.Swim and quiet time Gail, Nick and Paul came so had a good chat.   Stunning Prom BBCSO Martyn Brabbins Cockaigne, Holst Hammersmith, Christopher Maltman 4 Stanford songs (diction disappointing) The RVW London symphony - wonderful ppp. Lovely to meet David Bryant chorus memories! Wednesday Louise brought Sean so had a good chat and berought her up to speed. Gave in on LO he comes at All Saints and now no Gloria. All 3 of us went for a swim. To Sainsbury's. Sean "Grandad would you liek a Lego bonsai tree for your birthday?" AT £36 I'd rather have a real tree bought him a Lego set. He spent the afternoon chatting to friends. Watched rest of John Wilson prom Adagio for strings a beautiful ending. To Mass Eve of Assumption. Could not hear a word - speakers are set for singing and the loop is 30 years old. Fr Andrew s