Mum and Dad

At this family time we remember with love those who have gone before us and rejoice with us but up on another shore and in a greater light. Dad loved Christmas so much and poured himself into preparations for it. Mum would produce wonderful meals and somehow get those pillows full of presents under the tree ready for when we came back from Midnight Mass - a crazy time to open presents of course! These plaques are now in St John's Glebe after a 3 year wait!
Liz's Dad used to enjoy the Albert Hall concerts and all the fun of the family at Christmas. K would produce lovely gifts and always do the washing up after Christmas lunch. And what fun we had - who can ever forget Dolly laughing over the little bird waddling across the table from a cracker! Even Sheila would join in. Ann here when Dennis was a baby was so special and the one Christmas we had away from home in Tasmania when Dennis was 1. Hiding desks for the children with Mrs Earl next door. And always carol services and midnight services and concerts - sweet singing in the choir indeed!


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