Bank holiday weekend

A quiet weekend with mixed weather. Sorted out stuff upstairs and reorganised shelves having packed Dennis's numerous books into boxes! Went to Glyn Close. Served at Mass as usual with said Vespers. Told Fr Michael about interfaith group interest in the Pope's visit. Mum and Dad in the prayers - have now been blogging for 4 years! Baptism at Coulsdon and I played Liebster Jesu and Dubois Toccata. In car to library to take dustbins (been replaced at home) and microwave. Staff meeting for Sunday staff was useful. Finished reading "Wolf Hall" which is brilliant and listening to Proms. Family prom was fun, Edinburgh Tattoo and University Challenge. Ein Heldenleben from Prom conducted by Mark Elder.
Frustrating day at work as fallback still on as new system failed. Ended up stricting! Mind you the library needs it - such a mess! Act 2 of Hansel and Gretel on radio from Glyndebourne Prom.


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