Roehampton club and Church Urban Fund
The choir were singing at St John's Old Coulsdon for their 750th anniversary and I took the last of the pictures and crockery for the fair. Jane Winter spoke about the Church Urban Fund's work against poverty and I told her about Bernadette Farrell, interfaith and the library. She said they work with the SVP and other faith communities. She described seeing a man with a child with only one shoe and the mother ignoring the child screaming yesterday and this was in Battersea! I left Coulsdon at 11.45 enjoying Just a minute in the car and arrived at the Roehampton club at 1.15. Rosemary and Lyn gave us a scrumptious meal, starters, roast beef and chocolate cake with cream. Ciarán was on great form. Bruce missed a treat! Lovely to have us all together. Chatted to Flo and Shirley on Skype.