
I was delighted that Geoff was so complimentary about the library after the senior training session on Thursday. I finished "Broken places" by Wendy Perriam and watched the last night of the Proms 1910 conducted by Paul Daniel with the lovely "Dark pastoral" played by Stephen Isserlis and based on Vaughan Williams. Friday's practice and no bass. I drove to Acton which took about 1 hour and 15 minutes and arrived at 10 p.m. Saturday we babysat Ciarán who was as good as gold. Louise and Tom were at a wedding in Ireland but had left full instructions and rang to check. We went to the park to enjoy the swings and a coffee and after lunch had a sunny walk. The Last Night of the Proms was great with Renée Fleming superb. It has been a wonderful season and I am only sorry that I only got to one Prom this year but I have listened to many on radio, Iplayer and BBC4. A highlight of the concert was Jonathan Dove's new piece and Dvorak's Hymn to the moon. We enjoyed stir fry and champagne and waved our flags and sang along to "You'll never walk alone", Parry and Elgar.


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