Tuesday picked up Harry Mellor at 4.30 p.m. so we got to Swanley early for provincial council. Home by 10.30 p.m. Did not sleep well as Liz at Louise's. Up at 8a.m. and trains to Gunnersbury to get to music and movement. Then tube to Victoria for all 3 of us to go to Chinese New Year lunch at Initiatives for change followed by film about Asia Plateau in India. Ciarán behaved beautifully. to Tate Britain friends room to read "The Monotheists" and have tea. To Heythrop for open evening. John McDade introduced the course and what's involved. I chatted about the Abrahamic religions but preferred the interreligious relations with Damian. Met Michael Denman and Mary also a couple husband is Assyrian. Nice food and wine. Better to do it part-timem over 2 years and that course costs less £953 a year.