Reading group and Organists AGM

Woke too early. Just missed a train and the one I got went through Battersea Park so I was late. Sam was running it and we discussed "The uncommon reader" by Alan Bennett. We also talked about royalty. The cuts are going ahead in July. Daphne has retired! Town centre library linked to neighbourhood library with only one manager. Opening hours cut. Had lunch at the library and read the paper - met a couple of readers I know well. To Bromley and visited Bromley library and then to Widmore Rd URC for President's recital by Michael Toplis on the Hill Norman and Beard. He played Liszt, Franck and Bach really well. I had a play after tea and the AGM went smoothly. As I was leaving asked if I woudl do an Oxbridge so I said Yes! Bus to Bromley South and arrived in good time for Vespers. Fr Tim was celebrant Palm Sunday and I was crucifer. St Matthew Passion. Home late and nice meal. Toe on right foot badly bruised and sore and back playing up.


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