Champagne tea

To Hotel Montcalm for 11 a.m. This was my ruby wedding present to Liz. We spent 11 to 3 ralaxing in jacuzzi, small exercise pool, sauna and steam room and reading then champagne tea. It was lovely - the only odd thing was marmalade with the cream scones! Liz went to servers dinner and I went to the Wallace collection where I enjoyed the pictures. To Heythrop for book launch by Keith Ard, John Polkinghorne and Fiona ? Saw Anna and Michael Barnes. To Acton and Louise and Tom went out. Wednesday took Sean to Acton parish church but no sign of playgroup so 70 bus to Acton Park and cafe and then football skills session at the children's centre. 70 bus back and visited the new library and walked to car. He slept. Liz and I went to organ recital by Martin Baker at RFH. Not a great audience. I went to the 6.15 talk with Martin and Simon Holt but the actual commission was disappointing depsite the superb signing by Louis Negri who is head chorister at the cathedral. The Bairstow did not quite work - no tuba or 32 foot. The Widor 6 and improvisation on 3 themes were brilliant. 


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