
Showing posts from August, 2015

2 fine Proms

A wet Bank holiday Monday.  Today's Cadogan hall Prom definitely a highlight - Barber, Debussy and the Shostakovich Piano quintet. The second movement is Bach alla Shostie and is magnificent. Great Dvorak encore too! Home for lunch and Adventist wedding was holding up traffic so parked for the evening at West Norwood. Tried to follow Boulez Eclat with score without success!  An interesting talk about Willa Cather by Dame Hermione Lee and a fine concert by the San Francisco SO Ives, Bartok Piano concerto no. 2 and the Eroica.

Life story

To 8 a.m.Mass at St Mary's - the African priest went on at great length perhaps because the emeritus Bishop of Uganda Frederick was concelebrating?  Played theme from Elgar Symphony 1, slow movement of Bach/Vivaldi concerto, Andrew Moore and Leighton Fanfare. Very poor turnout - Bill read lesson from the choir loft! Only 7 there. Canon David Herbert.  Excellent Life story prom and intro with composer Murray Gold and Sir David Attenborough.  Discussion about the San Francisco SO and a fine Mahler 1 but why the Schoenberg and Cowell concerto? The pianist Jeremy Denk played with his forearms! Home within an hour.


Interesting discussion of Kullervo. Earlier today I listened to the Boston SO's Shostakovich and Mahler - marvellous! The Sibelius Prom conducted by Oramo was great. En Saga and Kullervo (a large 4 volume score) with stunning singing from Polytechnik choir from Finland. 


Lie in.  To cathedral to do guiding but once again there were 7 on so little to do and mot that many visitors. After tea I went to the hall and enjoyed the young composers compositions conducted by Nicholas Conlon. The prom was Haitink at his best - Schubert and Mozart - quite delightful.

Pond dipping

Discovered that Bromley scores can be returned to Penge library which is great as no parking problems. Alas I left the Shostakovich 10 score at home! We popped in to see AnnMarie and Molly. Ciaran's 4 night stay finished with the Horniman museum - pond dipping, lunch, aquarium, plantasma - all excellent. There was a touching reunion with Sean and Mummy. Liz had gone earlier to get to the Prom in time and I drove to the Hall only to find the gallery sold out and I did not fancy trying the arena! Listened to the Mendelssohn and Ysaye encore in the car. CiarĂ¡n has been so good and joined in with all the activities showing great knowledge and memory skills. And how about the precious parting "Thank you, Grandad I love you!" The Stravinsky and Firsova were well played and the encores were Grieg and Prokofiev. Bergen Philhrmonic with Andrew Litton.

Down House

Despite the rain we enjoyed the visit to Down House with excellent children's activities. we coloured in pictures to make a Punch and Judy set and learnt about Darwin's family.We went on to Christmas Tree farm where the cafe was closed so we ended up at Holwood Farm shop where the tea and food were excellent.  I;listened to Bartok Concerto for orchestra and the Schumann encore from the Prom - impressed! Now watching How to be Bohemian.


Met Grainne and co at the lake and enjoyed the chat and walk. Liz took Ciaran swimming. I  enjoyed the prom conducted by Edward Gardner - Britten, Nielsen flute concerto and Janacek even the commission by Raymond Yiu was listenable! The discussion of Nielsen was most interesting and the flautist Emily Beynon looked and sounded stunning at the talk and on stage.

Jeremy Denk

To mosaic. Once again I have paid for 4 sessions 2 of which I will miss. Progress on Madonna's face very good.  Liz took Ciaran to Kidscape at Purley which he enjoyed. Very heavy rain. The Cadogan Hall prom was Jeremy Denk playing Scriabin, Bartok and the last Beethoven sonata. His introduction was excellent and his playing brilliant. Got very wet walking from bus stop. Ciaran went to see Molly.Li stened to the Philharmonia's Prom at home - Bartok, lovely Mozart and Shostakovich. Enjoyed Haydn Symphony no.90 (the audience fell into the trap!) and Barber from the Boston Symphony orchestra on Iplayer with scores. V ery impressed by TV broadcast of Nielsen with the Danish National Symphony orchestra conducted by the splendid Fabio Luisi .


Played Dad's Bishopthorpe suite today and Vaughan Williams Rhosymedre. Ciaran has come to stay! Liz went to Boston SO Prom Shostakovich 10. I went to the organ prom by Thierry Escaich - a great variety of sound and some splendid Bach. Watched DVDs of Wizard of oz and Watership Down and made track. AnnMarie came down so I could swop with Liz.


A hot day with lie-in.  Stunning Mahler 9 from the National Youth orchestra Prom on TV conducted by Sir Mark Elder.Watched University challenge and Barenboim's encores at the Prom -  he certainly dominated the triple concerto.  Stunning Mahler 9 from the National Youth orchestra Prom on TV conducted by Sir Mark Elder (with score).  Served at Mass and had an excellent dinner at Il Posto so we missed Mahler 6 at the Proms but we went to hear Andras Schiff play the Goldberg variations - a rapt audience. 


To Balham and Central music library to get the alst of the Proms scores. To Streatham to see audiologist - it seems left hearing aid was missing the little ventilation piece and right ear has wax hence the whistling. Pre-Prom introduction was quite good involving the kids (not many there) but she did not really tell us much about the Leifs apart from it being very loud and the Ahlborg. Sibelius Tapiola at the Prom followed by awful Leifs organ concerto played by Stephen Farr - devoid of any musical ideas and far too loud unrelentingly so! A quiet modern encore did not impress either! There are so many good unplayed organ concertos - why did we have to suffer this?  Delightful light night Bach Prom conducted by David Hill - Mass in G minor, Brandenburg 2 and Magnificat in D. Home at 12.45. Iestyn Davies, Nicky Spence, Sophie Beavan and Roderick Williams. I listened to Brandenburg 5 and part of the violin suites on TV. 


To Balham and Central music library to get the alst of the Proms scores. To Streatham to see audiologist - it seems left hearing aid was missing the little ventilation piece and right ear has wax hence the whistling. Pre-Prom introduction was quite good involving the kids (not many there) but she did not really tell us much about the Leifs apart from it being very loud and the Ahlborg. Sibelius Tapiola at the Prom followed by awful Leifs organ concerto played by Stephen Farr - devoid of any musical ideas and far too loud unrelentingly so! A quiet modern encore did not impress either! There are so many good unplayed organ concertos - why did we have to suffer this?  Delightful light night Bach Prom conducted by David Hill - Mass in G minor, Brandenburg 2 and Magnificat in D. Home at 12.45. Iestyn Davies, Nicky Spence, Sophie Beavan and Roderick Williams. I listened to Brandenburg 5 and part of the violin suites on TV. 


Art jolly by my group from Thornton Heath AgeConcernUK - did 4 drawings at Tate Britain. To Southwark cathedral to walk the labyrinth. The organ was being tuned which is not conducive to contemplation!  Royal College of Music museum to see Ben-Uri pictures and met  Tak Chow  !  A super prom from Danish forces of Nielsen and Brahms with the Winchester cathedral choristers. Excellent discussion about Hans Christian Anderson - it seems we need a good English translation of his tales!


Swam 20 and Liz came as well. Looked up Harry Mellor's details for his 50 year scroll. Hearing aid at AgeUK - lady 30 minutes late, new tubes and she agrees I need new moulds to stop the whistling. Went for yellow fever injection but informed that risk was greatly increased for over 60s so need to discuss with nurse. To Boots Whitgift after lunch for eye test. Small cataract in right eye but no need for new glasses and come back in 2 years. Liz met me at Selhurst. The intro to the Prom as rather too high brow and the young instrumentalists did not get to play much. West-Eastern Divan orchestra under Barenboim played uninspiring Schoenberg, Beethoven Triple concerto and Tchaik 4. To Acton. Wed to Whipsnade and had good journeys with no holdups. We all loved it and Ciaran became a young zoo explorer for a year. Saw red panda, sea lions under water, rhinos, elephants, lions, tiger, lynx, chimps, camels, deer, yaks, hippos, giraffes, zebras, waterbuck. Went on steam train ride. Had no...


The Sherlock Holmes prom did not inspire but the Sibelius was great and enjoyed the Michael Finnissy. BBC Scottish sounded so much better with Volkov at the helm!  The Stephen Sondheim Prom was spoilt by an inability to hear the words but some excellent saxophone playing. To the Zoo and loved the new lemurs enclosure and did some sketches. Saw sleepy tigers, gorillas, pygmy hippo and a busy armadillo. My first visit using my annual membership. I really think London Zoo needs to improve and show more animals.  The talk on the National Trust was a delight and the director was most impressive and all praise to the planners for 7 Sibelius symphonies in order - really feels like one has been on a journey and great playing this evening!  3 people on the floor in front of us at the Prom. The girl clearly came for the music, the men not. One of them spent the entire second half listening to his phone and the stewards spoke to them but they carried on using their ipads and tablet...


8 am at St Mary's - sang 2 hymns to Mary and Kyries. Rick Baxter there.  In honour of the Assumption played Liszt's version of Arcadelt's Ave Maria,the Gounod and Schubert and Boellmann's Angelus finishing with Dandrieu on Ave maris stella. Fr Leon remarked that I had played the tune for "Her virgin eyes" after the gospel and started his sermon with reflecting on Thomas Ken's fine hymn which we sang after communion.


An excellent Gallery Prommers picnic in the park then a disappointing visit to the Serpentine and Sackler galleries. Served at vespers with incense then back to the hall for Sibelius 1 and 2 and Finlandia. Enjoyed it but ensemble could have been tidier and some odd gaps!


A delightful lunch with Rosemary and Lyn Callan, A superb prom from Glyndebourne Entfuhrung aus dem serail - wonderful singing and acting. T he smelliest man in London near me during tonight's Prom - not nice! Later Liz saw him getting Linda to thread a needle to sew a split in his trousers! Fab dinging and acting from Glyndebourne cast! I spent the first 2 acts sitting at the rail with my score which amused me as there was a long spiel in German and a very short translation beside it!  Watched Eric Whitacre Prom on TV on return home. Lyn is 75 tomorrow! 


Swam 20. I went to get petrol and remembered in time that I do not currently have a credit card so paid cash! I  did well to clear the holly from behind the silver birch and shed before the rain came! 7 bags of garden refuse. Lots of white deposits under the holly leaves and weeds galore. The fox will have to find another spot to hide! Did not go to art as Julie away. Watched video of chorus and baby Dennis! Watched Dan Cruickshank's programme on destruction of historic art by IS - indefensible but some guy called Choudery did so! Watched Great British bake off and gypsy wedding with Liz. I was supposed to go to the serpentine gallery with Anna and group but she cancelled. I has also thought of visiting RCM museum but ended up going to Kensington library for scores (2 assistants making trips to the store) and the talk on Messiaen. His music was described as surrealist  - maybe that's why I don't like it! The Foulds Mantras were interesting and I did a sketch semi-abstract....


Woke at 5 and 8/15 too late to swim. Ameena came to clean and the builders are at work next door! We went to Lullingstone Roman villa which has been brilliantly presented by Englsih Heritage. I drew the Rape of Europa mosaic and there was an excellent film. We went on to Knowle and met Vernon Warner volunteering for the third time. The paintings are very fine. We had tea at Sevenoaks Marks and had a bite at home before going to the Prom. I had intended to come late and miss the Boulez but it was good to get our seats and enjoyed the Ravel concerto fot the left hand (astonishing!) and the Firebird. Home to watch Simon Sebag Montefiore's series on Rome.


Swam 20. Sent off Catenian posters to churches. Delightful 2 hour coffee chat at Knights garden centre Warlingham with Anne-Marie Garton. After a late lunch to Dulwich Picture gallery to copy two Prudhon drawings of nudes - beautiful and enjoyed the Rembrandts as well. The Eric Ravilious looks nice. Only cost £4. Rain and the family have gone camping in Cornwall. Had a night off from the Proms as it is swing! Watched Life in Squares. The alley gate is off - No. 18 has refused. Very annoying! Catching up on TV proms - Colin Currie, Aurora orchestra and Sinatra. Elgar 2 conducted by Mark Elder. 

Dame Evelyn Glennie

Swam 21 because the bat woman was going up and down and there was a slow woman in the lane! Liz came too. To mosaic and got all the gold and white beads done! The Cadogan hall Prom was Dame Evelyn Glennie who is 50. Tried drawing her and the hair is a problem. Got Petroc quite well the second time! Amazing memory. Liz went to the Zoo and I headed for Tate Modern. The Agnes Martin did not impress but I enjoyed drawing a Barbara Hepworth. I had tea in the friends room and foudn out that my card was refused. It seems Liz used the wrong pin on Friday in between the Proms in the bar and thus it was blocked. It will take 5 days to get a new one! Did  a drawng of the Old Bailey.  I went to Somerset house to see the excelletn Ben Uri gallery centenary exhibition - an interesting film. The No 9 bus was diverted so ended up walking from South Kensington  -cannot understand why. The introduction to the concert by Rachel Leach was great with all the kids joining in. Bournemouth Symp...

Eric Whitacre

Enjoyed playing Enigma variations. To match the first reading sections from Mendelssohn's Elijah. It is enough as great as any Bach aria! Also played Hurford and Willan on Song 34. The Eric Whitacre prom was an Experience! Loved The River Cam and the whole thing. I asked a question at the D.H.Lawrence but it was not broadcast. Pity It was about his style of preaching and repeating his points - very Nonconformist!  The Beethoven 5 and Berlioz Prom was well played but attracted a Hooray Henry crowd drinking wine, taking photos and coughing!

George Herbert

To Aylesford for a day with George Herbert led by Felicity Young. It was excellent and we had Vaughan Williams settings. Sylvia and Sheila were there. Mass at noon in choir chapel. I took lunch. Finished at 3.45 and drove to Selhurst. Served at Mass with Fr Brian. Decided not to attempt getting into the National Youth orchestra so brought scores home and was tired as I dropped off during Mahler 9. 

3 exhibitions and 2 proms!

Swam 20. Fast lane closed for life saving exams which meant we had fast and slow in one lane and the awful woman with the handbats charging up and down the middle. One lady was wearing spectacles! Enjoyed Pappano's series on voices especially Janet Baker. To CML and got some full scores. I was lae at the cathedral for guiding but there were 6 on so left scores in locker and went to the National Gallery.  Soundscapes interesting but variable. Nico Muhly and the Wilton diptych worked well creating the right atmosphere as did the Lake Keitele picture. National portrait gallery BP awards I went for the egg tempera double portrait and the 2nd prize winner!   Lovely travel photos of the year at Royal Geographical Society!  20 pages cut in La Valse and programme order changed but still enjoyable! Mozart, Messiaen and Ravel piano concerto. We went to the bar between Proms and had ale. The Sinatra was good and we left after an hour. People were dancing in the gallery and mobile p...

70 years since Hiroshima

We both went swimming and Nick came to sort out Liz's laptop. He was here most of the day! There were Trojans. I got 2 buses to Tavistock square and read Bonhoeffer letters from prison. Tube strike made traffic slow. This was the first time I had been to the commemoration of Hiroshima and I was 15 minutes late. Bruce Kent was compering and we heard the peace choir and some songs and poetry, also Jeremy Corbyn the local MP (impressive) Revd Nagase and Baroness Jones who is green, Had picnic and met Zenobia and we walked to Friends House for the impressive interfaith service and saw lots of friends including the Niechials! Judith is a Quaker. Asked Diana about the Greek Cypriot and Israel question. Hazel Morgan sang a song well. I dropped off and missed the lighting of the Hiroshima candle! I told William I would not make a good Quaker! No 10 bus to the hall - very hot and crowded and slow but got to Scriabin discussion - he was clearly mad!  Interesting prom conducted by Oliver Knu...


Swam 20, to Balham library to get scores, led Spirituality day at the cathedral on "Put your lamp on a lampstand" played Harris, Rachmaninov and Brewer. Holy is the true light, Serene light, Nunc Dimittis.  Interesting discussion of Walton 2 and a satisfying Prom from BBC Welsh. RVW, Grace Williams, Elgar. Watched University challenge.


Swam 22. Delivered some gate forms. The parcel I carefully posted at Norwood to BT returns has come back to me! Listened to Luke Bedford Instability which Ben Saul had commended - it used the organ well. Also Prokofiev Piano concerto 5 with score. Reserved more scores. My left ear hearing aid is whistlng all the time. The prom talk on Orfeo was quite interesting but the performance was interminable. It all seemed so much the same depsite some good singing. My left ear aid was whistling so took it out. On return home finished listening to Prokofiev 3 although the recording ran out and watched part 1 of Life in squares about the Bloomsbury group. Liz at Acton.

Wedding anniversary

Swam 20. To mosaic and the green tiles are perfect for Mary's robe, did the orange sections and started on the gold. Cadogan for an excellent Prom Apollon Musagette quartet playiing lovey early Webern written as a love piece (very suitable for our 41st anniversary), Coln Matthews and Beethoven. Excellent lunch at Ask Italian Gloucester Arcade with Pimms - 25% off too! I went to see the Luxury and Indian and Burmese 19th century photos at V and A. Liz went to OLV and shopping.  Most interesting discussion of the trial of Oscar Wilde but my question was not broadcast! Wilde's grandson was there.  Bravo BBC Scottish and Donald Runnicles Triumphant Mahler 5! Much as we liked parts of James MacMillan's 4th symphony there was just too much going on! Had he been in the monastery enjoying the bells? Home to water garden and watch CBeebes Prom which Ciaran went to. Whitlow on middle finger of right hand still hurting a but. 


Played Parry and Willan on Melcombe, Greensleeves and Karg-Elert Nun danket it being our 41st anniversary tomorrow!  Fascinating discussion with Sarah Bullock on memorising a role.  A most satisfying prom with Mozart No 26, Anna Meredith's rather scary piece and the Pastoral also played beautifully from memory! Now enjoying the park. I commented that Brett Dean's Pastoral symphony was neither of those things and I can't imagine what his Urban Symphony would be like!  A splendid Verdi Requiem. The soprano started poorly but got better and better!

Syro-Malabar rite

A very spiritual day! Syro-Malabar Mass and films about their music and Aramaic in their liturgy which is being lost. Vespers Ukranian Catholic cathedral Duke St. Served mass at WCathedral. Bruckner Mass at Proms - Soprano soloist awful and sopranos tended to flatness but they looked great in shiny white dresses!


Swam 20. Prepared talks for Wednesday's spirituality day. Delivered remainder of gate reminder letters  there are rather a lot who have not replied. To CML and got all the scores I wanted.  An interesting afternoon guiding at the cathedral. Who is the patron saint of London? I was asked. I said St Paul, also possibly Our Lady of Westminster. St Edward the Confessor is the Abbey and England I believe? Had lunch in the cathedral cafe with Thornton Heath couple.Rose let me leave items in locker. Interesting talk on Shostakovich Leningrad symphony. Only the end really took off - Bychkov conducting. The Mozart 2 piano concerto was excellent and the Lebeque sisters played Philip Glass encore. Did not use torch despite Adrian's suggestion. Rosa and Ben Saul there. Came home to listen to Bach violin prom  - not that interesting! Watched part of Planets on TV.