3 exhibitions and 2 proms!

Swam 20. Fast lane closed for life saving exams which meant we had fast and slow in one lane and the awful woman with the handbats charging up and down the middle. One lady was wearing spectacles! Enjoyed Pappano's series on voices especially Janet Baker. To CML and got some full scores. I was lae at the cathedral for guiding but there were 6 on so left scores in locker and went to the National Gallery. Soundscapes interesting but variable. Nico Muhly and the Wilton diptych worked well creating the right atmosphere as did the Lake Keitele picture. National portrait gallery BP awards I went for the egg tempera double portrait and the 2nd prize winner!  Lovely travel photos of the year at Royal Geographical Society! 20 pages cut in La Valse and programme order changed but still enjoyable! Mozart, Messiaen and Ravel piano concerto. We went to the bar between Proms and had ale. The Sinatra was good and we left after an hour. People were dancing in the gallery and mobile phones, photos  and tablets in action and stewards ignored it! 


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