
Swam 20. Terry's photos from yesterday are great. Late for mosaic as a result. Got Dennis's photo enlarged and copied so able to trace the outlines and did a bit of background. Qi'gong was good. To post office to send calendar to Oz. Royal Academy Ensor curious, Abstract expressionists unimpressed apart from Rothko. To BSO and as it was an exam half price. X ray shows some osteo arthritis and false gout which is calcium crystals. I am not overweight, healthy and exercise so am doing all the right things.  Feel much better. Discussed going to Oz in January. To Norwood circle and lots of visitors. Dennis presented with enrolment scroll and mentioned prayers for the sick. Good chat to Croydon who seem to be on our patch even South Norwood and Coloma! Richard Crail told me some outrageous stories about Fr Patrick at Selsdon.


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