
Baptism of the Lord and I got wet! We sang Like the murmur of the dove's song by Alan Smith. I thought We have a gospel at the end was an inspired choice. I played Bach The old year now away is gone and Christ the Lord to Jordan came. The latter was Dad's party piece and a steady speed paid off with an accurate pedal part on 4 foot clarion. The Great has a 16 foot diapason so that works well against the choir flutes in the right hand. Watching BBC Icons. How to choose? Thatcher No but Churchill, Roosevelt and Mandela are icons.
 Here is the little door at evensong.  Christ's chapel Dulwich for Marilyn Harper's excellent recital. She played a cradle song by Howells. Enjoyed Call the midwife. Grouting at mosaic not my favourite task. I was expecting an organ recital at St Martin's in the Fields. St Martin's voices were excellent especially bass and tenor. Soprano too Emma Kirkby for my taste! Nils Greenhow excellent as the blind Samson, Nathan Harrison exciting Purcell, Christopher Mitchell effortless Bach! Colette is a fascinating film. Well acted and produced. Only connect, University challenge and Icons all good - I voted for Tu. Yet more on Brexit - really fed up with it all! Catching up on Songs of Praise. Great to see the Orthodox cathedral which my mosaic group visited. Sadly the Rachmaninov Nunc dimittis was a travesty of the original. Interesting to see the baptism of the baby as we experienced this in Cyprus when Alexis was baptised.


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