
Dubai really is an extraordinary place. Las Vegas, beach resort, skyscrapers, if you have money anything is possible. A seven star hotel where tea costs 200 dollars. Obscene!  We visited a carpet shop on our tour and ended up buying a beautiful wall hanging same thing happened in Jaipur! Yesterday was a very expensive day!  Swim and jacuzzi, substantial breakfast. Rest and watched again Florence Foster Jenkins with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant.tour was for 3 but turned out to be 4 so we could have gone out but it was 35 degrees! Complete silence on drive to desert reserve. I was tempted to ask if we were going to a funeral. Toddler down and convoy of 10. Saw gazelle and oryx. exciting dune drive. Did not go on camel. Excellent meal and dancers. Unfortunately did no t get Liz dancing. Back at 9.15 so swim and jacuzzi in the dark. Still hot.
The inconsistencies a belly dancer and wives completely covered. No gay rights. Not seen beggars but have not been in souks. Huge expat and working population. Definitely a man's world. Swam, sauna, jacuzzi, big breakfast. Packed and had a rest in room. Pick up at 12. City tax paid. Emirates 7 hours from Dubai to Gatwick. Wheelchair as the walk is very long in the airports. Watched all of Fleabag 2 and listened to Weinberg symphonies. Read The conductor which Malcolm and Ursula gave us. Landed on time. A wait on buggy at passports. Barkers car there waiting for us and a quick drive home. Home by 9.30. Dennis came to help with cases - old smoke alarm disconnected as new ones make it redundant. Surprised to find my study window dormer window open - must admit I did not check before we left! Have read Tablets online and not much post. Woke in night.


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