
 Sunday played Walther n Jesu meine Freude and Buxtehude In dulci jubilo. Elaine Matthews came and we rehearsed the Rutter for the funeral. All this plus being awake 3 times in the night worrying about the Grow meeting meant that I managed to mess up the first hymn. Both hymnbooks were open at the refrain of Here I am Lord so it took me a while to change back to the verses. That's a first! The anthem was the Huron carol which went well and it was good to hear Elaine singing the Nardone and the hymns. It need not have worried - the Grow meeting went well and Holy Week will be as it used to be! Vigil on Easter Day when clocks go forward 6.30 a.m. Cooked lunch. Fell asleep! To Christ's chapel Dulwich for recital by Lucy Morrell which was a delight. Bach 545. Wie schon leuchtet Pachelbel, Buxtehude, Greiss and JSB the latter very tricky. Florence Price Adoration rather odd. Durufle Epiphanie. Dubos Marche des Rois Mages unlike Ian Marilyn played the long held high note when indicated in the score. The rhythm suggests camels. Ended with Dubois Fiat Lux. Nice eats. Call the midwife. Royal Ballet gala. 

Monday Swim 10 and aerobics. Colette's meeting - just the last bit. Went to school to pick up the lemon meringue tart which is delicious. Cold and frosty so Liz did not go to UCM and I missed Cheltenham zoom.Only connect, Mastermind, University challenge.

Tuesday Swim. Essex interfaith shocked to learn IFN for UK has lost Govt funding. Quiet time and took Graham's booklet to Lee. Chat to Rosina. Liz to physio. Good chat to Clare - she is off to Rome. Liz to Dulwich gallery and Jennifer signed her book. I went to David Lean cinema silent films accompained by Silas on keyboard. Edwardian London, the reluctant curate, Croydon aerodrome in the 30s. Buster Keaton in The cameraman. Hilarious.Very cold.

Wed swim. Liz to dentist. To Mass at cathedral - saw Carmel, the couple from Thornton Heath and Paul M! 10 at interfaith group. There was a long discussion about name change and it got quite heated. Pauline arrived and started on about her family affairs! We did discuss Laudate Deum in the end and I arranged a zoom with James Holland as we was in a meeting when I went to Vaughan House. To catenians and met David who was a server in Putney. I was the only one who voted against an increase in capitation. Fees are going up to £100 and add to that £14 each time I go. I only had a main course. When I got up to leave David asked me something else. Terry came and said "You's blocking the view" so I said "Why are you taking a photo? Why can't I stand and talk to David?" Oh come on he said. I thought it very rude especially in front of somebody who is considering joining us. 

Thursday woke late again and backache. Decided not to go to Wesley's chapel. Buses to St George's cathedral. Norman played Jackson, Stanford and Messiaen. I was second on and played Moore Adagio dolente. It was good to see Southwark members incl Dennis, Andrew and Sarah Best who can deputise. Got 158 to the cathedral and had coffee and tart at nice little cafe near Buckingham Palace. To the Queen's gallery for the superb Holbein at the Tudor court exhibition. The headphone was pushing on my right hearing aid. I got the underground to Gloucester Rd to meet Liz and we enjoyed a goat's cheese pizza at Pizza Express then 12 minute walk to St Yeghiche Armenian church for Kensington Unity service. The bishop was late. A fine cantor and a 4 manual organ. Nice eats and saw Fr Pascal. 345 and train back. 

Friday woke late. To Unacc and told Jim the details of 100 faces. I left at 12.15 and to Dulwich gallery. My parking place was not marked but got it sorted. An excellent day on Rubens with 4 experts including 2 from Antwerp. Sat next to Hazel and met a nice couple at tea break. Popped into the exhibition and had a nice chat to Jennifer Scott. Sheila Hancock interviewed. Would I lie to you? Stockholm National Museum art theft.

Saturday to tree planting Canterbury Road rec a grim strip of grass with a children's playground and tennis courts. Had a chat to Mayor Tony and lots of people planting trees. Chatted to lady from bereavement support One Shop. Sikhs much involved. To Beulah family church and a wake for Beryl from Art group. Met Nicolette a Roumanian studying to be a chartered accountant. Her neighburs don't speak to her! Picked up Liz and to Stuart Road allotments. Richard Carter there and met his brothers. We bought one of Andrew's prints. To Mass and very full as it was Ashley's farewell after 27 years. Party in hall and saw Barbara, David and Paul. Met Howard and his wife. Frogmore house and its story. Watched 1928 flooding of London. Terrible tragedy. 

Sunday a day off so wrote draft for school visit and wrote to Baroness Scott and the King abut IFN. Richard gave a great sermon at St Martin's. To Downsview Methodist which has communion rail and green cloths on lecterns. Had to endure praise group with guitar who went on too long. No Bible reading and personal testimony. AGM of Churches in Crystal Palace. Chair is giving up. To evensong and we sang Vox Christi by Wilby and Stanford in C. Call the midwife and Pottery throw down. 

Monday we both sang at St Mary Caterham for memorial service for John Parkes. Lots of music and tributes. Rutter The Lord bless you in 3 parts. I was very unimpressed that 3 people were not at the rehearsal as they were singing with the music group. Reception at Bletchingley golf club. Liz to GP surgery meeting. Usual quiz programmes on TV. I enjoyed the hustings for the Green Party MP candidate 4 good people and I voted.

Tuesday swim only 14 - it was crowded. To quiet time and took Liz to GP surgery. David came to look at the fence - one panel has fallen down and the next one looks dodgy. Dino is saying that is not Darren's fence but of course it is! Theft of Munch paintings in Oslo. Guinness factory. 

Wed both swim and took sample to surgery. Still trying to get into back of the settee! Nicholas King on Romans from Sion. Chat to James and Fr Hugh very useful. Further reports about IFN - Michael Gove is objecting to a Muslim on the council. He is not representing the Muslim council. School of synodality first session very good. 

Thursday up early train and bus. Walked to Cheam Park Primary school. Life of a chickpea Dialogue Society event. Spoke about the Good Samaritan and how that fits with British values. Only 4 in a full hall had heard the story before! Elspeth from Sutton Quakers spoke very well and gave me a lift to Sutton station. We got chocs and Noah pudding! I will refine my story and include more questions. Cheltenham prayer. Aldi and Sainsburys with Danny shopping for the cafe at St John's.  LSiUk Magda is leaving after 3 years. Quite a shock and sad. Knowsley safari park.

Watched a bit of Gresham lectures on tuning and climate change and weather. 

Friday To Croydon Town Hall for annual Holocaust memorial. Tim Locke from Generation2Generation told us his family’s tragic story. Beautiful playing by Whitgift school string quartet. Mick came. All of us strangers is an intriguing and moving film. Sub titles would have helped. All the acting is excellent especially Andrew Scott. Would I lie to you and Knowsley safari park.


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