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 Wednesday to Glyn Close to collect the car and swim. Nice chat to Sam. It seems beofre Covid they had one man who went round the 5 centres each week to fix things. Now they have to bring in people each time! Our road looks great and disabled markings done. Drafted letter to bishop and environmental lead about Laudato Si' centre. Heythrop AGM and talk by Daniel Soars on the grammar of God. BBC Singers evensong with orchestra and centenary concert. 

Thursday no swim as went to pick up Cathy to go to the funeral. She thought it was next week. Took Liz to Rose's. Got little cakes for my birthday. Art and very good progress. I only have one picture on paper the Cezanne for the library exhibition. Delivered letters about the multiple occupancy proposal at no 47 to Canham Road. No 20 knew about it but had done nothing. Joyce will send email. Badge posted to Karen Thompson. Notes from the encounter circulated. 22 at LSiUK which may be a record. We edited the notes in reply to 7 questions and the draft letter to the bishop and environmental lead. Watched first part of Country. Fake or fortune Helen McNicholl. Bake off extra slice. 

Friday took Liz to SJ for messy church with Abp of Canterbury baptising 25 babies and children! Swim cancelled. To Unacc and got forms signed and witnessed. End of play Country with Leo McKern.  Press release about the encounter. 

Sat Liz went to the cathedral for national Servers Mass. I did a circular route on the buses as there was a match and wanted to leave car at home. To Nama cafe and bought cards of Brian Claments' paintings and had a coffee. To SJ for Riverside Winds concert which included Poulenc Sextet. Saw Rachel, Rosina and Shirley for a chat. Lovely playing. The Pan Syrinx section worked well. Read The bee sting. To Mass on my own. Fr Andrew made an unfortunate comment about Boris Johnson being allowed to marry because he was baptised Catholic. So what! He was married twice before so why let him marry at the cathedral? One rule for the rich and one for the rest? Liz went to Mass at West Norwood. Strictly. 

Sunday played Howells Psalm prelude Set 1 no 2 and Dorian fugue went well. We sang My eyes for beauty pine by Howells. Sarah sang the whole service in the choir as Peregrine and Yoke were not there. Paul practised trumpet parts for November. To SJ for lunch in hall prepared by Kathie. Dennis came and there was a discussion about end of life wishes. Liz very reluctant to fill in form. Evensong we sang Let us with a gladsome mind by Ridout. It feels odd having the choir at the back of the nave with the little organ. Chat to Nicholas and this mother. Fell asleep during Young musician quarter finals! 

Monday woke at 5. Picked up Henry and took him to school - he did not say much. Dennis had an eye appointment at St Thomas's at 9. Chat to Ann - Jack was baptised yesterday she sent two short videos. Swim and aerobics - there is to be an extra session on Thursdays. Got forms filled in for solicitor and GP. Dennis came as they have a boiler leak. Letter to bishop and press release done. Only connect, Univ challenge, Mastermind, Call my bluff, Face the music. 

Tuesday finished The bee sting. It really makes you think about the past and the family. The ending is enigmatic! Liz to funeral and Guys. Swim - too many there so said so. Woman wearing flippers! To All Saints for supervision session. Chat to Antonio and later wrote article about Nazareth community. Bought a chocolate cake which was a waste of time and Michelle had brought a decorated birthday cake and candles! A lot at quiet time. Catching up on admin but must spend more time outdoors! 

Wednesday Swim. Good grief trust webinar about the week in Dec. To dentist. It was the temporary cover on the tooth which had come out in Manchester. When she was fitting the new crown it seemed to pop out and went straight down my throat. Tried to cough it up but no chance so have to go back. What a saga! I just hope it passes through my system and has not got lodged somewhere like a lung. She rang later to check and will ring on Friday. How experienced is she? She cut my lip last time! Liz was out shopping. Wrote to Abp John. To the town hall. The CCA meeting was cancelled and we sat in the public gallery to applaud Sam Baker's public question. A more self satisfied lot I cnanot imagine. The mayor wears a silly hat and is unintelligible. The sound system is not great and no captions on the screens. Anoher questioner asked about accountability as the mayor has ignored so many people about closing 4 libraries, abandoning phone lines, Changing parking meter payment methods. The assumption that everybody has a mobile phone or laptop is just plain wrong. I came home feeling disgusted with the whole system which just does not work. Watched part of the lecture by Sam Wells. 

Thursday swim and art - finished Sean's portrait. Imagine my reaction when Liz asked "Who is it?" To SJ for funeral of Laurie Wimpress Frances's son. Lovely choice of music and Mother Rachel's sermon about Mary was spot on. Chat to Jim Jelley about Norbury. 

Friday short swim as chair aerobics was moved to 10.30 a.m. I have done well on exercise 5 days this week. Wrote to bishops where we do not have an animator. Cross with Virginia about this. 24 of us decided to do it! We both went to Coro y Boro autumn concert under the shadow of the shard. Lovely singing because people smile. Lovely eats too and spoke to folk we had met in Brecon. What a treat! 

Sat SM walk with Abp Justin and Bishop Sarah excellent. To Croydon finding common ground on the climate crisis. Only one Croydon MP out of 4 came Natasha and she was on board. Useful discussions. Read at Mass and Fr Steve gave a good homily. Strictly. Fire brigade came and changed whole system. 


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