
 Wed 6/11/24 woke to find Trump back in the White House. This is disaster for so many people especially migrants, Palestinians, Ukranians. Hope in despair! SM Sam was some comfort. John gave a good homily at Blackfriars. Swim then to Thornton Heath library to see my Cezanne hung upside down in the art group exhibition. It does not look too bad but really ought to be the right way up. Gave up and posted letter to Marketing director Croydon IKEA although I doubt such a person exists! To Beckenham florist, jigsaws to St Christopher's hospice shop and bought 5 500 piece jigsaws. Saw Terence! Bookshop has no calendars. Picked up framed portrait of Sean and it looks magnificent! Chose hymns for Jan/Feb. Gemma was brilliant n the Synod at sisters of Sion. Very struck by Mary Ward on the need for experience. If only thse men experienced female ministry. Why can't they look at You tube and Facebook and watch people like the Bishop of London and Lucy Winkett preaching? Contacted Journey to 2030 with some updates. 

Thursday a busy day to Owens and wax cleared for £65. To art and my hearing ad had been found. Saved me £65 for a new one so I sent a donation to AgeUK! Aerobics and swim. Barbara said Gloria had seen me at St Andrew's. Emails. To Braithwaite Hall for lovely interfaith remembrance and peace event. I read Pope Francis talking to children in Singapore. All pouring water into a bowl worked very well and the speaker was good Deputy Lord lieutenant for Croydon showed slides of BAME soldiers. Sikh, Hindu, Muslims all sang well so next year I want to sing too! Spoke to Civic mayor and I think the town hal will be illuminated for Grief awareness week! Liz served at St George's cathedral and had been to Hunterian after St Thomas's. I got the Abp of Cardiff weong so sorted that! Bake off an extra slice. Sumayah was out. 

Friday was a busy day. Swim then to ST Pancras - saw Wizard Christmas tree then I saw a mouse! British Libraryto see mediaeval women. Too many people waiting to look at books. Enough to try the patience of a saint. I did Julian of Norwich and the music sections which I was interested in rather than the health section which was the busiest. Bus 390 to Camley Street nature park a former coal tip. Nice lunch outside despite the rat running about! Good discussion with Westminster J and P folk and agreed to write to Bishop John and Bishop Nicholas. Walked around the woodland area. Decided not to go to the Canal museum and went to the Wellcome. Exhibition on work in plantation, street and home. Appalling conditions in prisons in 19th century. To Zizzi's at Victoria - good meal. St Gabriel Pimlico exc concert by Continuum who we heard in Brecon. Basses are fantastic! Harry Guthrie the conductor delighted to meet us. Martin Mass, Bruckner, Stanford. Lovely soft singing. Home 10.30.

Sat interview at St Oswald Norbury went well - I was the third candidate. The music desk collapsed under the weight of the hymnbooks! It seems my reply to the outreach question was insufficient. Did they really expect me to engage with groups using the church hall? I suggested carols. Disappointing as it is nearer home but I am sure something better will come up. Read at Mass - Elijah. Only got there in time thanks to match traffic. Strictly. Albert Hall bit disappointing but the roses were effective. 

Sunday Reme,brance went very well. Paul played beautifully especially the Last Post. I don’t often share the service but the playing of Paul Miller on trumpet and the reading by Imogen Wilde were particularly beautiful. The Faure was very good. I played Solemn melody at the end. Chose hymns for Jan and Feb with Jaimee. Watching the Cenotaph is always moving and the stories from the past are so important. The massed bands, Big Ben, the guns, the veterans! In 1972 I went there. Ever since then I have been singing or playing on this day. Sadly the Albert Hall event has been changed and not for the better but it was moving to see the roses and hearing Faure Pie Jesu. The mirror and the light excellent! BBC1 and iplayer. I must watch The project! Interview with Peter Kolinsky.

Monday nice chat to Ann and then to the Calvery at SJ for 2 minute silence at 11 a.m. Swim and Liz went to gym. Took minutes at Colette's Southern dioceses meeting - 30 there. Emma Gardner about Salford. John Paul was cordial. Ecclesiastical services rang. To Phoenix  centre very good talk on Dickens by David Allen. I commented on disappointment with the Eastgate house in Rochester and he recommended Doughty St which I have visited in the past. Croydon Minster vigil for peace with many children of all faiths. A lovely event with Sikh instruments and singing and reflections and 3 bishops - Croydon, Kingston and the vicar Andrew Bishop! Chat to Ray Williamson, Bishop and Archdeacon of Southwark and the vicar. Denise is retiring next year! Only connect University challenge.


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