Organ and Advent

Adrian Adams' recital on 23 Nov at St John's marked some anniversaries - Leighton, Blow, Parry, Leslie Betteridge and Messiaen and ended with Jacques Charpentier's L'ange a la trompette. It was an interesting programme despite the inevitable Messiaen! On Sat Nov 29 St Andrew's celebrated St Andrew's Day with Songs of Praise. this was informal with no robes and free accompaniments which seemed a pity. We started with Vaughan Williams' "O taste and see" and sang Martin Shaw's "With a voice of singing". The position of the choir behind the nave altar space meant that we were not in sync in places. My choice was "O worship the Lord". Other choices were "How great thou art" "Morning has broken" and "What a friend" but at least we did sing "Christ triumphant" and "Thine be the glory". Then there were fish and chips and apple pie and cream followed by a quiz. Our table came 2nd - had they listened to me we might have won - Sri Lanka was the first country to have a woman P.M.not Israel and Andrew Johnson succeeded Lincoln. Still it was fun! Sunday John missed the practice completely so we had no bass part in the Orthodox Kyries! We sang Palestrina "I look from afar" and Martin How's Advent message.
Drove to the Festival Hall in an hour in pouring rain. Aidan Oliver conducted the chorus in a programme in the ball room - Haydn, Vivaldi, Brahms, Mozart and Faure and Sullivan. The audience enjoyed it including the youngsters. Then to the cathedral for Christian Wilson's recital of Dupre and Honegger and Hakim. Drove to Turnham Green for Advent carols at St Michael's Bedford Park where Louise is now in the choir. Very High Church. The vicar's wife sang solo in Stanford in G Magnificat - too loud and sharp. The poetry was nice but would have preferred the OT readings. An interesting church. Vicar wears a yamaka!
Monday overslept so no swim. To Catenians and got 4 singing the welcome song to the CD. Catenian anthem a no go area. Tuesday 32 lengths and health and safety course - Graham talks too much. Wrote Christmas letter first draft. Liz busy doing Christmas cards and clearing up. She enjoyed her visit  on Monday.


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