Tribal chamber choir of Galway

A quiet day - 3rd of 4 Saturdays in a row. Reading group went well - 7 came and had enjoyed Hardy's Woodlanders. 8 for silk painting. Liz needed the car as Louise was going on a Mothercare shop with her and Grandma. She picked me up. Smoke vespers with Fr Michael Archer wearing a magnificent blue cope for the Assumption. Met John the new intern from South Wales. Tribal choir of Galway came over specially to sing at Mass - Bruckner Ave Maria, Mozart Spatzenmesse and best of all Rachmaninov Bogoridtse. They did well and David Grealy was playing - he used to sing with them. Listened to Stravinsky Orpheus on way home from the prom and enjoyed BBC2 recording of Handel prom with the 16 including alto Ian. Watched Jam and Jerusalem part 1.


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