King's Cambridge

Set up dining room table from Bow and Liz has bought a lovely matching cover for it. To tai chi and Tony taught us some good breathing exercises - my left shoulder still giving trouble. To Baden Powell house for rehearsal. Very nice meal at Carluccio's with Peter Kirby. The concert went really well and I spoke to Stephen Cleobury briefly. We sang Vivaldi Gloria and carols. King's sang a lovely selection including Villette Hymne a la Vierge, Goldschitt, Warlock's Bethlehem Down. Got a 452 to Battersea Park in snow and could have got earlier train to Thornton Heath but West Norwood was due. It never came so ended up going to Thornton Heath any way and 468 home - back by 11.20. Wed evensong from Chester cathedral.
This was in fact the last concert I sang with the Chorus! 17.8.2011


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