San Francisco

a 10 hour flight on BA - watched "Made in Dagenham", "Eat, love, pray" "The Switch" and Antiques roadshow and comic relief. Liz slept. We had good seats at the front with more legroom. Food was OK. At first thought second animal bag had not come through but we had not seen it! No problems with immigration and customs seemed surprised we had no food with us! A wait for the super shuttle shared van but we were at the Hotel Fairmont by 4 p.m. Nice room with a view over city blocks. The van ride had given an idea of where we were. To nearby Grace cathedral for a lovely contemplative Eucharist at 6 accompanied by piano at the back of the nave. People sang in harmony - it was all on the service sheet. Met the Dean Dr Jane Shaw formerly Dean of Divinity at New college Oxford. A lovely building and people very friendly. Lovely AIDS interfaith chapel. We were directed to Nob Hill cafe and after a short wait enjoyed seafood lasagne and aubergine and delicious chocolate and cream ganache. Woke at 1 a.m. so read more of Puck of Pook's hill which is a delight.
Rain on Monday so to breakfast opposite cable car museum and on cable car to Union Square and signed up for 4 linked sightseeing bus tours on opentop buses - we stayed in the dry! Golden Gate park and the fabulous Golden Gate bridge and Sauralito. Very good guides and gained a good idea of the city. Got shuttle bus back up the steep hill to the hotel as cable car not running on that bit. An amazing variety in the city and lovely Victorian buildings.


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